This Week on TTBTGH

Sunday, July 3, 2005:

This is the time that I wait all year for. The Winnipeg Folk Festival is very soon upon us, and it is my favourite weekend of the year. When I first discovered the Folk Festival, it changed my life forever. I had no idea what amazing music there was out there, because I hadn’t been hearing most of it anywhere else. And that’s why I got interested in doing a radio show like TTBTGH, because other than the festival, you just don’t hear great artists like the ones we’ve got on the show today. And with all of the artists and excitement, you won’t get to know many of the festival performers as well as you’d like or as well as you should, so we’ll have a look at the lineup this week on TTBTGH and introduce you to some folks I know you’re going to love, and somehow, we’re going to help each other decide what to see at the festival. It’s not going to be easy.

First up, a dear friend who’s been on the show before, but that I haven’t seen or heard from in quite some time. I first met her when she came on UMFM with two other friends, Ruth Moody and Nicky Mehta, in 2002, to talk about two shows that they were planning together. I knew it was going to be something special, but the girls had no idea that within a couple of short years, they’d be touring the world and winning a Juno. But before then, Cara “Lovely” Luft was a solo artist with a promising future. The call of that freedom and independence was strong, so in 2004, she decided to focus on her solo career once more. SInce then, she’s been hard at work on new material, and has done some touring on her own. She’ll reconnect with many friends and fans in Winnipeg at The Folk Fest this year, but first, she’ll drop by to sing, chat, and catch up with us this Sunday.

Absolutely the best thing about the Folk Festival is getting to discover amazing new performers that you weren’t familiar with before. I like to think that I’ve got a pretty good sense of what’s going to hit and what’s going to miss at the festival, and this week, I’ve scheduled chats with a couple of the performers that I know are going to be huge hits at this year’s festival.

Whatever happened to country music? When Hank invented country music, he intended it to be something powerful, personal, and genuine. Since then, we’ve seen the sad state of country on radio and TV, but Wayne “The Train” Hancock proves that some folks are making country music as it was intended. Hancock is clearly a disciple of Hank’s tradition, and he displays it well. His brand of country/honky tonk/swing, although schooled in old-tyme tradition, is so refreshing and exciting that I just know Winnipeg Folk Fest attendees are going to eat it up. It will only take one song for you to see what I mean. Tune in this week to hear a little taste of what you’re in for when this amazing performer steps on stage at the festival.

I suspect maybe you’ve heard of a little singer/songwriter named Tom Waits? Yeah, thought so. He’s one of the most unique and influential singer/songwriters of our time, so when he talks, people tend to listen. So when he called our final guest, Jesse DeNatale “a unique and original American voice,” I knew that I had to find out more. When I first heard, DeNatale’s disc, Shangri-La West, it became an instant favourite. His voice is gritty and powerful (it owes much to Waits), his melodies are memorable and inviting, and his lyrics are vivid and powerful. Again, it won’t take long for the whole festival site to be buzzing about this guy, so get the early jump on all of those other folks by hearing his music and stories this Sunday.

We’re surely in for one of the most amazing Winnipeg Folk Festivals in a long, long time, so tune in to this week’s Tell the Band to Go Home for a preview and some help finding your way around the busy schedule.

Playlists: Tell the Band to Go Home – June 2005

Episode #110
Sunday, June 5, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Rodney Decroo – Rain rain – Blue Rooms – CDN
John Prine – Long Monday – Fair & Square
David Olney – Ace of spade blues – Migration
Robert Earl Keen – Shades of gray – Live from Austin, TX
Clem Snide – Collapse – End of Love
NQ Arbuckle – Angels and devils – The Last Supper in a Cheap Town – CDN

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Ryan Adams & the Cardinals – If I am a stranger – Cold Roses
Whiskeytown – Excuse me while I break my own heart – Faithless Street
Caitlin Cary & Ryan Adams – The battle – While You Weren’t Looking (bonus EP)
Ryan Adams – My winding wheel – Heartbreaker
Ryan Adams – Firecracker – Gold
Ryan Adams – Wonderwall – Love is Hell Pt. 1

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Kathleen Edwards – 12 Bellevue – Failer – CDN
Leeroy Stagger – Just In Case – Beautiful House – CDN
Jim Bryson – Elizabeth – The North Side Benches – CDN
Oh Susanna – Home soon (the cherry song) – Johnstown – CDN
Justin Rutledge and the Junctino Forty – Too sober to sleep – No Never Alone – CDN
Mike O’Neill – Andy – What Happens Now? – CDN
Jenny Whiteley – Soda machine – Jenny Whiteley – CDN
Fred Eaglesmith – Drive in movie – The Official Bootleg Series Volume 2 – CDN
Jenny Whiteley – I never knew (that you cared) – Hopetown – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Keri Mctighe – When I ride my bike – I’m Somebody Too – CDN – WPG
Jason Ringenberg – A guitar pickin’ chicken – A Day at the Farm with Farmer Jason
Greg Macpherson – Electric machines – Somebody Needs a Timeout – CDN – WPG
Rheostatics – Loving arms – The Story of Harmelodia – CDN
Colin Hay – Beautiful world – Going Somewhere
Steve Forbert – So good to feel good again – Mission of the Crossroad Palms

Episode #111
Sunday, June 12, 2005
2:00-5:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Featuring a phone call from our official roving reporter, Mike “The Lost Dog.” This week, Dog’s off at the Fred Eaglesmith Weekend in Bellows Falls, Vermont, and he called in to tell us what a great festival we’re missing out on.
In honour of Lost Dog, his late dog Trina, Bruce, and all of the other great dogs out there, a set of great “dog” songs.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Carolyn Mark & Geoff Berner – It’s all just a matter of (where you draw the line) – Just Married: An Album of Duets – CDN
Carolyn Mark & the Silver Hearts – North country fair – Just Married: An Album of Duets – CDN

Fred Eaglesmith Weekend performers, 2005:
Willie P Bennett – Willie’s diamond Joe – Trying to Start out Clean – CDN
Mary Gauthier – Your sister cried – Mercy Now
Lynn Miles – Night drive – Love Sweet Love – CDN
The Mammals – Fall on my knees – Rock that Babe

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Chris Whitley – Phone call from Leavenworth – Living with the Law
Chris Whitley – Kick the stones – Living with the Law
Chris Whitley – Poison girl – Living with the Law
Rod Picott – Stray dogs – Stray Dogs
Rod Picott – Gun shy dog – The Girl from Arkansas

Dog Songs:
Bob Snider – Dog – Stealin’ Home – CDN

3:00pm – 3:30pm

John Hiatt – My dog and me – Beneath this Gruff Exterior
Neil Young – Old King – Harvest Moon – CDN
Dave Teichroeb – Dog tales – Dog Tales – CDN
Johnny Cash – Dirty old egg sucking dog – At Folsome Prison
Ron Hynes – A good dog is lost – Get Back Change – CDN
Fred Eaglesmith – He’s a good dog – The Official Bootleg Series Volume 2 – CDN
Fred Eaglesmith and the Flathead Noodlers – I shot your dog – Balin – CDN
Guy Clark – Queenie’s song – The Dark
Harry Manx – Tethered dogs – Wise and Otherwise – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Lost Dog interview

Mike Plume Band – Steel Belted Radio – Steel Belted Radio EP – CDN
Mike Plume Band – Another train song – Born So Long Ago 1997-2002 – CDN
Mike Plume Band – Promise me you’ll never tell – Fools for the Radio – CDN

4:00pm – 4:30pm

Scott Nolan – Clint duty – Postcards – CDN – WPG
Jon Dee Graham – Lonesome valley – The Great Battle
The Cash Brothers – Night shift guru – How Was Tomorrow?
Calexico – Crystal frontier (widescreen version) – Even My Sure Things Fall Through
The Flatlanders – Julia – Now Again
Joe Ely – Me and Billy the kid – Live at Liberty Lunch

4:30pm – 5:00pm

The Swiftys – Misty – The Swiftys – CDN
Shuyler Jansen – Write your will – Hobotron – CDN
The Weakerthans – Plea from a cat named Virtute – Reconstruction Site – CDN – WPG
Rae Spoon – John Henry (vs. the condo association) – Throw Some Dirt on Me – CDN
Tony Furtado – Running down a dream – Bare Bones
Brent Mason – Gloryland – Gloryland – CDN
Peter Verity – Black mountain – High Flyer – CDN
Tannis Slimmon – It’s quite a job – Oak Lake – CDN

Episode #112
Sunday, June 19, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Two themes: One show. Wow.

First up, a set of songs for dad. Fathers day is a great day to check out some great music, and we just happen to have a few songs written by, for, and about dads.

Next up, a celebration of the season that we were beginning to think would never come. Summer songs make you feel good. Well, they should, anyway.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Chris Neufeld – Told a joke – Colorado Low – CDN – WPG
Chris Neufeld – Reinventing Miss Exciting – Colorado Low – CDN – WPG
Leeroy Stagger – Two day one night stand – Dear Love – CDN
Leeroy Stagger – Beautiful house – Beautiful House – CDN
Tracy Grammar – Hey ho – Flower of Avalon
Jesse DeNatale – Twilight king – Shangri-La West

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Songs for Dad:
Guy Clark – The Randall knife – Together at the Bluebird Cafe
Five Chinese Brothers – My dad’s face – Singer, Songwriter, Beggarman, Thief
Jim Henry – Pals forever dad – Jacksonville
Merle Haggard – Daddy Frank (the guitar man) – 16 Biggest Hits
Johnny Cash – A boy named Sue – At San Quentin
Audrey Auld Mezera – My father – Texas
Derrick Mccandless – D.A.D. – Standing There – CDN – WPG
Chloe and Luke – So far away – I’m Somebody Too – CDN

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Songs for Summer!
Chuck Prophet – Summertime thing – No Other Love
Radiogram – Summer song summer – All the Way Home – CDN
Clem Snide – All green – Soft Spot
Bottleneck – Summer days – Late Nights, Early Mornings – CDN
Sarah Harmer – Summertime – Songs for Clem – CDN
David Francey – Far end of summer – Far End of Summer – CDN
David Francey – Torn screen door – Torn Screen Door – CDN
The Weakerthans – Everything must go! – Left and Leaving – CDN – WPG

3:30pm – 4:00pm

The Flatlanders – South wind of summer – Now Again
Spirit of the West – July – Star Trails – CDN
Robert Earl Keen – Not a drop of rain – Gravitational Forces
Guy Clark – Homegrown tomatoes – Craftsman
Reid Jamieson – Grass & dirt – The Unavoidable Truth – CDN
Paul Kelly – Roll on summer – Nothing But a Dream

Episode #113
Sunday, June 26, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Today a long overdue visit from local singer/songwriter Chris Neufeld. He’s releasing his first CD “Colorado Low” on Wednesday, so he stopped by to chat and play us some songs off of the new CD.

We were also expecting a visit from Victoria, BC singer/songwriter Leeroy Stagger, but, well, sometimes things don’t work out as planned.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Darren Day & the Fading Hopes – Anne – This Evening Tonight – CDN – WPG
Chris Neufeld – Told a joke – Colorado Low – CDN – WPG

Chris Neufeld interview

Chris Neufeld – Waterwheel – live performance (also on Colorado Low) – CDN – WPG
Chris Neufeld – Stranger – live performance (also on Colorado Low) – CDN – WPG

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Chris Neufeld – Reinventing miss exciting – Colorado Low – CDN – WPG
Nathan – I left my station – Jimson Weed – CDN – WPG
Greg Macpherson – Wide turn – Maintenance – CDN – WPG

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Tannis Slimmon – There’s a lift – Oak Lake – CDN
Tannis Slimmon – What to do – Oak Lake – CDN
Carolyn Mark – Not a doll – The Pros and Cons of Collaboration – CDN
Carolyn Mark & NQ Arbuckle – Fireworks – Just Married: An Album of Duets – CDN
NQ Arbuckle – Punk rocker – Hanging the Battle Scarred Piñata – CDN
NQ Arbuckle – Sure friends – The Last Supper in a Cheap Town – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Hayes Carll – Rivertown – Little Rock
Hayes Carll – Wish I hadn’t stayed so long – Little Rock
Steve Forbert – Song for Katrina – What Kinda Guy? The Best of Steve Forbert
Leeroy Stagger – Hide the knives – Dear Love – CDN
Leeroy Stagger – I break hearts – Beautiful House – CDN
Leeroy Stagger – Paint a Picture – Dear Love – CDN
Leeroy Stagger – Beautiful House – Beautiful House – CDN

Playlists: Tell the Band to Go Home – May 2005

Episode #105
Sunday, May 1, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist


There’s something so powerful about the way different voices can blend into one sweet sound. And today, TTBTGH presents some of the sweetest harmonies around.

First up, a visit by my good friends, the internationally renowned, Juno award winning Wailin’ Jennys. They’ve come a long way in a short time, and I’ve been along for the ride every step of the way. I’ve had the pleasure of having the girls in a number of times, but this was the first time with the new Jenny, Annabelle. We chatted about the Juno, the past, the future, and even Disco Grover. It’s always a bit silly when the girls stop by, and this was certainly no exception, but it was also very interesting and enlightening also.

In hour 2, a look back at one of my favourite in-studio interviews of all time. Last December Michael Johnston and Reid Jamieson came in and totally wowed me. I was already a big fan of them individually, so there was no reason to expect anything to improve upon my already high opinion of them, but hearing the way their voices blended was pure magic. In my eyes, this is a combo that deserves to be recorded and heard by all, and even if they don’t make it onto CD in the near future, at least I have a recording of their great live visit where they sang and played and talked for almost a full hour, and in honour of Reid’s upcoming visit to Winnipeg, we took a listen back to this magical appearance.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Willie P Bennett – One vessel – Heartstrings – CDN
The Corn Sisters – Not a doll – The Other Women – CDN
The Ladybird Sideshow – Encanitas rainstorm – Live at the Orange Lounge – CDN

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Wailin’ Jennys interview
The Wailin’ Jennys – Swallow – 2005 demo recording – CDN – WPG
The Wailin’ Jennys – One voice – 40 Days – CDN – WPG

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Kathleen Edwards – Somewhere else – Back to Me – CDN
Voices on the Verge – Softly Moses – Live in Philadelphia

Michael Johnston & Reid Jamieson interview
Michael Johnston – My curious heart – Curious Heart – CDN – WPG
Reid Jamieson – Paperback fantasy – live performance (also on The Unavoidable Truth) – CDN
Reid Jamieson – The last day of the year – (live performance, also on The Unavoidable Truth) – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Michael Johnston – Katie – live performance (also on Curious Heart) – CDN – WPG
Michael Johnston & Reid Jamieson – Twilight – live performance
Reid Jamieson & Michael Johnston – I still miss someone – live performance – CDN
Michael Johnston – Petrazalka (Missin’ Manitoba and you) – Curious Heart – CDN
Reid Jamieson – The sum of your parts – The Unavoidable Truth – CDN

Episode #106
Sunday, May 8, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Willie P Bennett – Blackie and the rodeo king – Blackie and the Rodeo King – CDN
Fred Eaglesmith – Ship – The Official Bootleg Series Volume 2 – CDN
Fred Eaglesmith – Pistols & rifles – The Official Bootleg Series Volume 2 – CDN
JP Hoe – Mother – The Here in Review EP – CDN – WPG
The Happy Campers – She is just the best – Somebody Needs a Time Out – CDN – WPG
Merle Haggard – Mama tried – 16 Biggest Hits
The Pursuit of Happiness – Blowing bubbles – Where’s the Bone – CDN
Eve Goldberg – Mama’s opry – Crossing the Water – CDN
Iris Dement – Mom & dad’s waltz – My Life

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Rory McLeod – When my mum and dad made me – Mouth to Mouth
Martyn Joseph – Working mother – Being There
Jim Henry – Baby’s coming home – Jacksonville
Jeffrey Gaines – Didn’t wanna be daddy – Jeffrey Gaines
Vance Gilbert – Times two – Fugitives

3:00pm – 3:30pm

kd lang – Helpless – Hymns of the 49th Parallel – CDN
Reid Jamieson – Paperback fantasy – The Unavoidable Truth – CDN
Michael Johnston – Sunday afternoon – Curious Heart – CDN – WPG
Lynn Miles – 8 Hour drive – Love Sweet Love – CDN
Norah Jones – Wurlitzer prize (I don’t want to get over you) – Lonesome, On’ry, and Mean, A Tribute to Waylon Jennings

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Jimmy Lafave – River road – These Times We’re Living In: A Red House Anthology
Greg Brown – ‘Cept you and me babe – These Times We’re Living In: A Red House Anthology
The Wailin’ Jennys – Arlington – These Times We’re Living In: A Red House Anthology – CDN – WPG
David Francey – Fourth of July – These Times We’re Living In: A Red House Anthology – CDN
Guy Clark – The cape – Dublin Blues
Guy Clark – Stuff that works – Dublin Blues
Robert Earl Keen – The front porch song – No Kinda Dancer
Robert Earl Keen – Not a drop of rain – Live from Austin TX
Lyle Lovett – Simple song – Pontiac
Madeleine Peyroux – Give your mama one smile – Sweetheart 2005

Episode #107
Sunday, May 15, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Kris Demeanor – Down in the zone – Party All Night – CDN
Nathan Wiley – Black bones – Bottom Dollar – CDN
Nathan Wiley – Best that I can do – High Low – CDN
Jeremy Fisher – Fall for anything – Let It Shine – CDN
Romi Mayes and the Temporarily Employed – Mama ain’t no fool – The Living Room Sessions Volume 1 – CDN – WPG
Michael Johnston – The country north of Peterborough – Curious Heart – CDN – WPG

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Kris Demeanor – Extreme to me – Lark – CDN
Kris Demeanor – Chocolate and lust – 2004 demo EP – CDN
Nathan – I left my station – Jimson Weed – CDN – WPG
Nathan – Lampshade – Stranger – CDN – WPG
Eivor Palsdottir – Sweet sweet song – eivor
Eivor Palsdottir – If I needed you – eivor
Eliza Gilkyson – Coast – Hard Times in Babylon
Karen Savoca – Nowhere to go – Sunday in Nandua

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Melwood Cutlery – The ballad of the moonlight lady – Campfire – CDN
Melwood Cutlery – I wonder – Campfire – CDN
Bob Snider – I’m a cowboy now – Moose Lodge – CDN
Shannon Lyon – Barcelona – Wandered – CDN
Richmond Fontaine – Post to wire – Post to Wire
Bruce Springsteen – Devils & dust – Devils & Dust

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Garrison Starr – Somethin’s gotta change – Songs From Take-off to Landing
Jess Klein – Sink my teeth in – Strawberry Lover
Matthew Barber – Tilt-a-whirl – The Story of your Life – CDN
Danny Michel – Fireworks – In the Belly of a Whale – CDN
Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion – Gervais – Exploration
Lynn Miles – Never coming back – Love Sweet Love – CDN

Episode #108
Sunday, May 22, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

That damn mother nature is so unreliable. Someone should have a talk with her.

This weekend started off miserable and rainy. Saturday was nothing but rain and cloud. I woke up Sunday and the weather looked the same. More cloud. More rain. Looked at the ever so reliable Environment Canada forecast, and it called for nothing but rain all day. Not a “chance” of rain, but “showers.”

Rather than let the rain get the best of us all, I decided to fill our lives with some glorious rainy day music. All music about the beauty of the rain. Yup.

Mother Nature heard about my plan and decided to mess with me. The sun came out. Rain stopped.

I guess if you’re going to ruin a show, it might as well be with a little sunshine. So the show became a proactive solution to future rainy days. Oh well.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Colin Linden – Might as well enjoy the rain – Southern Jumbo – CDN
Skydiggers – It’s Sunday pouring down rain – Restless – CDN
Rheostatics – Rain, rain, rain – Whale Music – CDN
Danny Michel – Elgin Avenue – In the Belly of a Whale – CDN
Darren Day and the Fading Hopes – Rainwalk – This Evening Tonight – CDN – WPG

2:30pm – 3:00pm

The Waltons – Naked rain – Liv – CDN
Sons of Daughters – Tonight we pray for rain – Sons of Daughters – CDN
Jess Klein – Cloud song – Draw Them Near
Patty Griffin – Rain – 1,000 Kisses
Neko Case – Buckets of rain – Sweetheart 2005
Jimmy Lafave – Cafe in the rain – Highway Trance
Jackie Greene – A thing called rain – Sweet Somewhere Bound

3:00pm – 3:30pm

The Jayhawks – Save it for a rainy day – Rainy Day Music
Robbie Fulks – It’s always raining somewhere – Georgia Hard
Kevin Welch – Early summer rain – Western Beat
Steve Earle & the Dukes – The rain came down – Exit 0
Townes Van Zandt – None but the rain – Legend
John Hiatt – Feels like rain – Slow Turning
David Wilcox – Common as the rain – How Did You Find Me Here
Derrick McCandless – Rain – Standing There – CDN – WPG

3:30pm – 3:40pm (had to leave a bit early)

David Francey – Come rain or come shine – Skating Rink – CDN
Chuck Prophet – After the rain – No Other Love

Episode #109 – The Mailbag Overfloweth!
Sunday, May 29, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

When I started doing this show a few years ago, it was pretty much a vanity project and nothing but. Sure, my goal was to give some exposure to some artists who were very worthy, but unable to get played anywhere else, but I never thought that it would really work. Well, as the show has grown and evolved, it seems that we’ve caught on and some folks are starting to see it as a great way to get their music out to folks who might appreciate it, and I’ve been lucky enough to have lots of wonderful artists and labels send in music to be played on the show or reviewed by this lowly second-rate music critic.

So much so, that it’s been really hard to keep up with the submissions. I’ve noticed for a while that there was a ton of stuff I’d been meaning to play or even listen to, but I just hadn’t had the time or the occasion. Well, today, the mailbag overflowith.

This was an opportunity to go through a whole bunch of stuff that’s come in over the past couple of years. Some of it I’ve played before, some of it has been on the air on several different occasions, but for the most part, all of it is under-utilized and under-exposed.

Today’s show was an attempt in some small part to do right by some of the folks who have sent in CDs. I played as much as I could. Some of it was wonderful, some weird, and some truly terrible (I’m not saying which is which). But that represents what I have to deal with when putting together the show every week. Plus, music appreciation is such a subjective thing, what I think is worthy of airplay is not necessarily the same as what all of the listeners would find to be worthy, so I tried to play a little something for everyone.

In the end, I got through a small portion of the stuff I have lying around. Someday, we’ll get through the rest. Hopefully at least we appeased the artists who made it to air this week.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Corb Lund Band – Five dollar bill – Five Dollar Bill – CDN
Corb Lund Band – Sixteen tons – Modern Pain – CDN
Lucinda Williams – Metal firecracker – Live from Austin, TX (DVD)
David Olney – The song – Migration
Richard Thompson – 1952 Vincent black lightning – Live from Austin, TX (DVD)
The Woodpickers – What would Charlie say – Me and Ned Kelly
Bill Chambers & Audrey Auld – Tex & Buddy – Reckless Records Garage Sale 1997-2003

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Audrey Auld Mezera – Shine – Texas
Gregg Lawless – Down by the water – Something Beautiful – CDN
Bill Garrett & Sue Lothrop – St. John’s waltz – Red Shoes – CDN
Eileen Laverty – Song for Sarah – Dancing With Angels – CDN
Phyllis Wheaton – Fairbank Lake – The First Song – CDN
Maurice Mattei – Ring of smoke – Ring of Smoke
Mark Carter – Leave it all behind again – The Winnipeg Songs – CDN
Acie Cargill – I dreamed of my mother last night – Country Songs
Johnny Eden – Train, solo – Demo* – CDN

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Harold Nix – You’re no good – What a World – CDN
Johnny Dowd – Dear John letter
Jory Nash – The ballad of easy chair – Lo-fi Northern Blues – CDN
Lori Cullen – Hot dog day – Uneven Hill – CDN
Rod Picott – Circus girl – Stray Dogs
Nels Andrews – Meadowlake – Sunday Shoes
Eric Westbury – Wise man watching – Burnt Tongues & Blue Truths – CDN
Jason Wilber – Tin angels – King for a Day

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Joe West – Sometime lovers – South Dakota Hair-do
Steve Goldberger & the Fringe Locals – Clueless – Clueless – CDN
Steven Clair – Tomorrow’s another day – Under the Bed
Bill Colgate – Emperor’s new clothes – Waiting for Simon – CDN
Maria Dunn – Troublemaker – We Were Good People – CDN
Frank Meyer – Yer so purty – Dagnabit
Nathan Caswell – Einstein’s brain – Einstein’s Brain – CDN
Tom Dean – That girl is the moon – Pennies
Barry McLoughlin – Sarah – Pieces – CDN

This Week on TTBTGH

Sunday, May 1, 2005

There’s something so powerful about the way different voices can blend into one sweet sound. And today, TTBTGH presents some of the sweetest harmonies around.

First up, a visit by my good friends, the internationally renowned, Juno award winning Wailin’ Jennys. They’ve come a long way in a short time, and I’ve been along for the ride every step of the way. I’ve had the pleasure of having the girls in a number of times, but this was the first time with the new Jenny, Annabelle. We chatted about the Juno, the past, the future, and even Disco Grover. It’s always a bit silly when the girls stop by, and this was certainly no exception, but it was also very interesting and enlightening also.

In hour 2, a look back at one of my favourite in-studio interviews of all time. Last December Michael Johnston and Reid Jamieson came in and totally wowed me. I was already a big fan of them individually, so there was no reason to expect anything to improve upon my already high opinion of them, but hearing the way their voices blended was pure magic. In my eyes, this is a combo that deserves to be recorded and heard by all, and even if they don’t make it onto CD in the near future, at least I have a recording of their great live visit where they sang and played and talked for almost a full hour, and in honour of Reid’s upcoming visit to Winnipeg, we took a listen back to this magical appearance.

Playlists: Tell the Band to Go Home – April 2005

Episode #102
Sunday, April 10, 2005
2:00-4:30 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

As much as I enjoyed being part of the Juno celebrations and associated nonsense, there were so many great Canadian musicians who went unnoticed. This week, I featured a few folks who are surely award-winning in my heart.

On the folkier side, Yukoner Anne Louise Genest knows how to write a song. Her songs are touching and insightful and great. She’s fun to talk to, also, as I found out when she called us on her way to Winnipeg for a show at Dregs.

As much as I love folk, everyone knows that I’m a sucker for a great pop song, and Andy Stochansky knows how to put one of those together. He’s quickly become a rising star in Canada, and his new CD 100 is sure to raise his profile even more. He gave us a call (better late than never) to talk about the CD and his Winnipeg show.

Then, a moment of glory in my short, humble radio career. I became a music nerd in about 1991 or ’92, and it was largely thanks to a band called The Lowest of the Low. Their songs reached me at a time when I was interested in something more intelligent and interesting than I had been hearing on the radio, and they spoke to me as if they were written about my own life and feelings. Something about them grabbed me in a way that very few other artists ever have. I’ve followed them obsessively for 13 years or so, so it was an absolute thrill to welcome the band’s singers and songwriters, Ron Hawkins and Stephen Stanley live in the studio.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

NQ Arbuckle – Mixkin dancehall blues – Hanging the Battle Scarred Piñata – CDN
Michael Johnston – Three days – Curious Heart – CDN – WPG
Peter Elkas – In my den – Party of One – CDN
Joel Plaskett – Happen now – La De Da – CDN
Feist – One evening – Let It Die – CDN
Andy Stochansky – House of gold – 100 – CDN

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Andy Stochansky – Butterfly song – 100 – CDN
Andy Stochansky – Stutter – 5 Star Motel – CDN
Andy Stochansky – Shine – 100 – CDN
Bill Culp – Your Sins Will Always Find You – Roots ‘N Roll – CDN (interrupted by Andy Stochansky…)

Andy Stochansky interview

Andy Stochansky – One man symphony – 100 – CDN
The Lowest of the Low – The last recidivist – Sordid Fiction – CDN

3:00pm – 3:30pm
Ron Hawkins & Stephen Stanley (The Lowest of the Low) interview

The Lowest of the Low – A casual overdose – Sordid Fiction – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

The Lowest of the Low – Black Mondays – Hallucigenia – CDN
The Lowest of the Low – Salesmen cheats and liars – Shakespeare My Butt – CDN
Stephen Stanley – Which one of us – That Thin, Wild Mercury – CDN
Ron Hawkins & the Rusty Nails – Crackstatic – Crackstatic – CDN
The Lowest of the Low – Your birthday party – Sordid Fiction – CDN

Anne Louise Genest – The smoky hills – Big Dream – CDN
Anne Louise Genest interview
Geoff Berner – The south side of town – recorded live on UMFM – CDN
Anne Louise Genest – The well – Big Dream – CDN
Bill Culp – Your Sins Will Always Find You – Roots ‘N Roll – CDN
Derrick McCandless – Put it in a smile – Standing There – CDN

Episode #103
Sunday, April 17, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

The Weakerthans – Benediction – Reconstruction Site – CDN – WPG
The Traveling Wilburys – End of the line – Volume 1
The Traveling Wilburys – Tweeter and the monkey man – Volume 1
The Traveling Wilburys – Not alone any more – Volume 1
The Traveling Wilburys – Margarita – Volume 1
Little Village – Fool who knows – Little Village
Alison – Elvis Costello – My Aim Is True
Nick Lowe – Cruel to be kind – Basher: The Best of Nick Lowe

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Ry Cooder – Get Rhythm – Get Rhythm
Matt Mays & el Torpedo – On the hood – Matt Mays & el Torpedo
Kathleen Edwards – A face in the crowd – Sweetheart: Love Songs – CDN
Chris Neufeld – Someday – Songs from Kentucky Waterfall – CDN – WPG
Darren Day & the Fading Hopes – Anne – This Evening Tonight – CDN – WPG
Greg Macpherson – Windy – Balanced on a Pin – CDN – WPG
Greg Macpherson – Wide turn – Mantenance – CDN – WPG

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Greg Macpherson – Southern lights – Night Flares – CDN – WPG
Greg Macpherson – Kingston – recorded live on UMFM (also on Night Flares) – CDN – WPG
Colin Linden – Might as well enjoy the rain – Southern Jumbo – CDN
Colin Linden – Skeleton key – recorded live on UMFM (also on Big Mouth) – CDN
Colin Linden – The last thought – Big Mouth – CDN
Colin Linden – Love everyone – Raised by Wolves – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm.

David Gogo – Western coast – David Gogo – CDN
Lynn Miles – Flames of love – Love Sweet Love – CDN
Kris Delmhorst – Waiting under the waves – Songs for a Hurricane
Tres Chicas – In a while – Sweetwater
Derrick McCandless – Don’t know love – Standing There – CDN – WPG
Reid Jamieson – The unavoidable truth – The Unavoidable Truth – CDN
Reid Jamiesn – Grass & dirt – The Unavoidable Truth – CDN

Episode #104
Sunday, April 24, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

Greg Macpherson – Buy a ticket – Balanced on a Pin – CDN – WPG
Matt Mays – City of lakes – Matt Mays – CDN
Matt Mays – St. George’s lane – Radio Free For All: The Best of CKDU Live – CDN
Matt Mays & el Torpedo – The plan – Matt Mays & el Torpedo – CDN
Matt Mays & el TorpedoCocaine cowgirl – Matt Mays & el Torpedo – CDN
Blue Rodeo – Are you ready – Are You Ready? – CDN

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Blue Rodeo – Heart like mine – Outskirts – CDN
Blue Rodeo – Rebel – Outskirts – CDN
Blue Rodeo – ‘Til I am myself again – Casino – CDN
Blue Rodeo – Trust yourself – Casino – CDN
Blue Rodeo – Bad timing – 5 Days in July – CDN
Blue RodeoHasn’t hit me yet – 5 Days in July – CDN
Blue Rodeo – Can’t help wondering why – Are You Ready? – CDN

3:00pm – 3:30pm

The Handsome Family – So much wine – Live at Schuba’s Tavern
Chris Knight – The jealous kind – The Jealous Kind
Fred Eaglesmith – He’s a good dog – The Official Bootleg Series Vol. 1 Live Solo 2002 – CDN
Fred Eaglesmith – Carter – Ralph’s Last Show – CDN
Fred Eaglesmith – I’m just dreamin’ – From the Paradise Motel – CDN
Wille P Bennett – The lucky ones – The Lucky Ones – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Nathan – Bad ideas – Jimson Weed – CDN – WPG
Todd Hunter – Laugh – recorded live on UMFM (also on Remember) – CDN – WPG
Scott Nolan – This time – Postcards – CDN – WPG
Reid Jamieson – Imaginary lifestyle – The Noise in My Chest – CDN
Rick Danko & Garth Hudson – Twilight – Upfront! Canadians Live from Mountain Stage – CDN
Steve Forbert – Wild as the wind – Just Like There’s Nothin’ To It

April 10, 2005 – Andy Stochansky & The Lowest of the Low interviews

Download this episode (right click and save)

Download this episode (right click and save)

A conversation with Ron Hawkins & Stephen Stanley of legendary Toronto indie band, The Lowest of the Low. This interview was later used in the band’s “Low Roads” video, which was included as a bonus disc alongside the 20th anniversary re-issue of their influential and renowned debut album, “Shakespeare My Butt.” The video can be viewed at their website: or below. It is split into 8 parts.

On a personal note, I’ve been hosting shows on UMFM since 2001 (I think) and I’ve had some amazing things happen to me as a result (I can’t even begin to list them all), but any time someone asks me for one highlight of my time hosting shows, this is it. To have my interview linked to my favourite album of all time, and distributed to fans all over the place is just an amazing feeling. I still can’t believe it. (sure, I do kind of wish that my name was somewhere in the package or the video, but I guess it didn’t make the cut. Oh well.)

This Week on TTBTGH

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Now that all of the Juno shenanigans are over, it’s back to celebrating great Canadian music every week, not just celebrating mediocrity once a year. And this week, Tell the Band to Go Home returns from the Juno break with an action packed spectacular, showcasing some amazing Canadian talent that is award winning, in our eyes. And once again, we’ll prove that there are very different types of singer/songwriters.

On Monday night at the newly saved Dregs Cafe, a wonderfully talented songwriter named Anne Louise Genest pays us a visit. Anne Louise is from the Yukon and has an insight into the human condition that is rare and special. Her songs are wonderfully vivid snippets of life that continue to astonish me. A true folk singer who writes about true folk, Anne Louise is one for fans of heartfelt songs. On her way to town, Anne Louise will give us a ring and let us know how she comes up with those wonderful songs.

Yeah, we like the folk music just fine on this show, but everyone knows I’ve got a love of a great pop song, and we’ll hear from one of Canada’s finest up and coming pop/rock songwriters, Andy Stochansky. Andy’s been perfecting his craft over the course of his previous three full length discs and a couple of EPs, not to mention his work as Ani Difranco’s drummer for a number of years (back when she was cool and great), but his latest CD threatens to turn him into a star. With marvellous melodies and thoughtful lyrics, not to mention a dynamic stage presence (and the ladies think he’s dreamy, too), 100 is the kind of album that I love, and I know you will too. Andy plays at the West End on April 13. I know I’ll be there, and after hearing him on the show, I hope you will too.

But the big headliner of this show is big indeed. Everyone knows that I’m a passionate music nerd, and that is largely thanks to the very special guests that are scheduled to stop by after 3:00. Everyone knows that the greatest Canadian band of all time is the Rheostatics. When I first heard them, my life changed forever. Well, actually it took a while for me to “get” that band and come over to the bright side. But as I was warming up to them, I was introduced to a band that was much more accessible and seemed to sing songs that were tailor made for me as I came of age. The Lowest of the Low are one of the greatest Canadian bands of all time, and I’ll believe that until the day I die. Largely thanks to the insightful and intelligent lyrics of Ron Hawkins, The Lowest of the Low have made some of the most important albums in Canadian history. If you don’t believe me or haven’t been won over yet, tune in this week for a very, very special live, in-studio appearance by The Lowest of the Low, who bring their awesome live show to the Pyramid that same night. And if you weren’t going to tune in just to hear this great band, tune in to hear how badly I embarass myself when confronted by some of my idols in the flesh.

Playlists: Tell the Band to Go Home – March 2005

98 Sunday, March 6, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Scott Nolan Band – Guns, guns, guns – Guess Who’s Home – CDN – WPG
Matt Mays & El Torpedo – Travellin’ – Matt Mays & El Torpedo – CDN
Matt Mays – Where am I going? – Matt Mays – CDN
The Guthries – Better part of an hour – Off Windmill – CDN
Matt Mays & El Torpedo – The plan – Matt Mays & El Torpedo – CDN
Chuck Prophet – You did (bomp shooby dooby bomp) – Age of Miracles
Ray Lamontagne – How come – Trouble

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Ryan Adams – New York, New York – Gold
Colin Linden – Hook’s in the water – Southern Jumbo – CDN
Ben Arnold – Zig zag – Calico
Jack Johnson – Good people – In Between Dreams
Keller Williams – Love handles – Home
Josh Rouse – Comeback (light therapy) – 1972

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Kathleen Edwards – In state – Back to Me – CDN
Kathleen Edwards – 12 Bellevue – Failer – CDN
Kathleen Edwards – Big star – Building 55 – CDN
Scott Nolan – Rosie – headinthesandrecordsandfriends – CDN – WPG
Scott Nolan – Settled down – recorded live on UMFM – CDN – WPG
Josh Ritter – Bright smile – Hello Starling
Mark Geary – Ghosts – Ghosts

3:30pm – 4:00pm

John Gorka – Always going home – Out of the Valley
James Talley – Sometimes I think about Suzanne – Journey
Iain Matthews – The dark ride – The Dark Ride
Jeffrey Gaines – A dark love song – Jeffrey Gaines
Slaid Cleaves – Lydia – Broke Down
Martin Sexton – Black sheep – Black Sheep
Bob Snider – Hurry up blues – Caterwaul & Doggerel – CDN

99 Sunday, March 13, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Mary Gauthier – Mercy now – Mercy Now
Jerry Jeff Walker – Sangria wine – Great Gonzos
Guy Clark – LA freeway – Old No. 1
Lyle Lovett – Step inside this house – Step Inside this House
John Hiatt – Is anybody there – Slow Turning
Joe Ely – All just to get to you – The Best of Joe Ely

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Robert Earl Keen – The road goes on forever – The Party Never Ends: Songs you Know from the Times you Can’t Remember
Johnny Cash – The man comes around – American IV: The Man Comes Around
Billie Joe Shaver – Freedom’s child – Freedom’s Child
Merle Haggard – Mama tried – 16 Biggest Hits
Nancy Griffith – Listen to the radio – Country Gold
Valdy & Gary Fjellgaard – King of the road – Contenders – CDN

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Po’ Girl – Gone in pawn (shake shugaree) – Po’
Bob Dylan – Po’ boy – Love and Theft
Night Sun – Going down the road feeling bad – Drive – CDN
Tannis Slimmon – Can’t see through – 60 Second Songs – CDN
Reid Jamieson – Shiny silver goodbye – 60 Second Songs – CDN
Michael Johnston – Bedbugs – 60 Second Songs – CDN
Michael Johnston – Katie – Curious Heart – CDN – WPG
Lori Cullen – Hot dog day – Uneven Hill – CDN
Serena Ryder – Hiding place – Groovy Mondays – CDN
Lori Cullen – Railroad – Uneven Hill – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Mia Sheard – Cover girl – Reptilian – CDN
Monica Schroeder – Jeremy – The Winter Sessions – CDN
Jeremy Fisher – Lemon meringue pie – Let It Shine – CDN
Josh Rouse – Carolina – Nashville
Andy Stochansky – Butterfly song – Shine EP – CDN
Matt Mays & el Torpedo – St. George’s lane – Matt Mays & el Torpedo – CDN

Episode 100
Sunday, March 20, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Today marks my 100th episode hosting Tell the Band to Go Home since it officially kicked off in September of 2002. It’s been a fun and wild ride, and I’m looking forward to what the next 100 shows has to offer.
The first guest on Tell the Band to Go Home was Calgary singer/songwriter Kris Demeanor, who just happens to be heading back to town on March 28. He’ll be here with Geoff Berner, and when I look back at the first 100 episodes, Berner stands out as one of my favourite guests of all. There have been a lot of fun times on this show, but when Berner came into the studio in February 2003, it was something to remember. And so we did, by listening back to that interview.

Here’s hoping that the next 100 shows will be as memorable!

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Just announced for the Winnipeg Folk Festival, 2005!:
Buddy Miller – Worry too much – Universal United House of Prayer
Emmylou Harris – Here I am – Stumble Into Grace
Emmylou Harris – Two more bottles of wine – Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town
Emmylou Harris – You’re gonna change – Roses in the Snow
Emmylou Harris and the Nash Ramblers – If I could be there – At the Ryman
Emmylou Harris – Deeper well – Wrecking Ball
Buddy & Julie Miller – Wallflower – Love Snuck Up

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Bob Brozman – Highway 49 – In Concert
Blackie & the Rodeo Kings – Water or gasoline – BARK – CDN
Upcoming shows:
Stephen Fearing – Black silk gown – That’s How I Walk – CDN
Andy White – Canadian greyhound – Boy 40
Dave Lang – 42 Below zero – Live & in Quonset – CDN
Dave Lang – The circus – recorded live on UMFM – CDN
Tolan McNeil – Oakland shuffle – There Will Always Be a Salesman – CDN

3:00pm – 3:30pm

The Corn Sisters – She’s leaving town – The Other Women – CDN
Kris Demeanor – Speed it up – recorded live on UMFM (also on Lark) – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Geoff Berner interview (taped Feb. 16, 2003)
Geoff Berner – Light enough to travel – live performance (also on We Shall Not Flag or Fail, We Shall Go On to the End) – CDN
Geoff Berner – That’s what keeps the rent down, baby – live performance – CDN

Episode #101
Sunday, March 27, 2005
2:00-4:00 pm central time
CJUM 101.5 UMFM in Winnipeg, Manitoba

After a brief set of exciting new music and previews of some upcoming shows, Juno fever kicked into high gear. This is the dream of a lifetime for this Canadian music nerd to be a part of the biggest event of the year, and I just have to spread the excitement around with a look at some of the nominees and performers headed to town in the next week. Also, a tribute to one of the greatest Canadian songwriters of all time, Neil Young, who’s headed home to take part in the telecast next Sunday.

Next Sunday on UMFM, TTBTGH is pre-empted (which is ok by me, since I’ll be at Juno events all weekend long) as the president of the UMFM Neil Young Fan Club, Joe Myles, spends a day celebrating 7 hours of Neil-ness from noon until 7.

Artist – Song title – Album Title – CDN=Canadian – WPG=Winnipeg artist

2:00pm – 2:30pm

Mary Gauthier – Wheel inside the wheel – Mercy Now
Jess Klein – Sink my teeth in – Strawberry Blonde
Peter Elkas – Party of one – Party of One – CDN
Joel Plaskett – Television set – La De Da – CDN
Jim Guthrie – So small – Now, More than Ever – CDN
Kris Demeanor – Extreme to me – Zed: Live off the Floor – CDN
Geoff Berner – Unlistenable song – Whiskey Rabbi – CDN

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Geoff Berner – Honey, I’m a big boy now – recorded live on UMFM – CDN
JP Hoe – Lady bliss – The Here in Review – CDN – WPG

Juno Fever!
Easily Amused – Colleen – Simple Stuff – CDN – WPG
The Wailin’ Jennys – Something to hold on to – 40 Days – CDN – WPG

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Feist – Inside and out – Let it Die – CDN
Feist – Gatekeeper – Let it Die – CDN
Radiogram – Love vigilantes – Unbetween – CDN
Radiogram – Lost in the park – All the Way Home – CDN
NQ Arbuckle – Cheap town – Last Supper in a Cheap Town – CDN
Nathan – Emalina – Jimson Weed – CDN
David Francey – Tonight in my dreams – The Waking Hour – CDN

3:30pm – 4:00pm

Nothin’ but Neil:
Neil Young – Don’t be denied – Time Fades Away – CDN
Neko Case – Dreaming man – Canadian Amp – CDN
Kathleen Edwards – Unknown legend – recorded live on KCRW – CDN
Stephen Fearing – Thrasher – Borrowed Tunes: A Tribute to Neil Young – CDN
Johnny Cash – Pocahontas – Unearthed

Matt Mays & el Torpedo – The plan – Matt Mays & el Torpedo – CDN