We here at the show have been big fans of Shannon McNally for a number of years now. We’ve followed her through a few phases of her career and a bunch of great albums. After a few different labels over the years, she’s gone back to the indie route, and we’re all for that. Shannon’s joining the fan-funded movement for her next album, and we here at Tell the Band to Go Home are more than happy to contribute.
If you want to support this fine artist, click here to be redirected to her fundraising site or copy and paste the following address, if you, too, prefer the do-it-yourself route: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shannonmcnally/shannon-mcnallys-new-album-western-ballad-fundShe’s got a new song up there already, and unlike those Damnwells, we know when we’re going to get this disc!