The staff at TTBTGH is hard at work putting together this year’s Best of compilation, and that, as well as the end of a year and looking forward to a new one, has us looking back and wondering how we can make things even more useful and interesting for you, the listener. Before we put it all together, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Of course, you’re welcome to email or call us any old time, but we (who the heck is we… who am I trying to impress? I’m a one-man operation.) have also designed an easy survey that you can fill out anonymously if you like, so that we know what you would like on the show and what you think of the compilations.
If you have a few moments, please visit the following site:
Any feedback (even negative) is VERY helpful and MUCH appreciated. The goal is to give you more of what YOU want, so here’s your chance to speak up.
Thanks, we’ll (uh, I mean, I’ll) get back to you soon when the compilation is ready.